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Protaeolidiella juliae (Burn, 1966)
Gary Cobb 26 species found at Northwest Reef OWI, 08-04-2013, rainy overcast some sun day, surge, 4m vis, 24C water temp. 1st dive/2nd dive.
*most species found this outing
Aeolidiella alba /2
Ardeadoris aff. averni /1
Bornella anguilla /1
Chromodoris splendida (AU) 1/4
Dermatobranchus cf. primus 1
Dermatobranchus rodmani /1
*Doriprismatica atromarginata 5/5
Flabellina bicolor 1
Glossodoris vespa (AU) 2
Goniobranchus albonares /1
Goniobranchus cf. reticulatus /1
Halgerda albocristata 1
Halgerda aurantiomaculata /1
Halgerda cf. willeyi 1
Hypselodoris jacksoni /3
Hypselodoris obscura (AU) 2/1
Hypselodoris tryoni
Phestilla sp. 1
Phyllidia elegans /2
Phyllidiella lizae 1/4
Phyllidiella pustulosa 1/1
Platydoris formosa 1
Protaeolidiella juliae /3
Thuridilla splendens 1
Trinchesia ornata 1
Tritoniopsis alba 1/2
Gary Cobb Photos and species list from our 2 dives yesterday.
38 Species found at Flinders Reef Moreton Island, 10m viz, beautiful diving day, no swell and no surge, 25C water temp. 1st dive/2nd dive.
*most species found this outing.
Aegires flores 1
Ardeadoris pullata /1
*Chromodoris elisabethina 2/8
Chromodoris kuiteri 1/1
Chromodoris lochi /1
Costasiella kuroshimae
Cratena cf. affinis 1
Cratena simba 2
Dermatobranchus cf. primus /1
Dermatobranchus rodmani /2
Elysia cf. furvacauda /1 Found at 1m on the mooring rope!
Flabellina bicolor 1
Flabellina sp. 1 5 Found at 5m on the mooring rope!
Glossodoris cincta 1
Goniobranchus geometricus 1
Halgerda cf. willeyi 1
Halgerda sp. 1 1 Our 540th species! I have never seen this species, ever.
Hypselodoris godeffroyana /1
Hypselodoris maculosa 1
Jorunna sp. 3 /1
Marianina rosea /1
Micromelo undata /1
Noumea simplex /1
Phyllidia elegans 1
Phyllidia ocellata 1
Phyllidia picta 1
Phyllidiella lizae /2
Phyllidiella pustulosa 1/2
Protaeolidiella juliae /2
Thorunna daniellae 1
Thuridilla carlsoni 7/1
Thuridilla gracilis 1/1
Thuridilla neona 1
Thuridilla splendens 1
Trinchesia ornata 1/4
Trinchesia ornata 3/2
Trinchesia sp. 16 /1 Our 539th species!
Trinchesia sp. 6 /1
Gary Cobb Correction: Halgerda sp. 2 is correct.
Sven Kahlbrock Forgotten the name, will follow, smile
Sven Kahlbrock The egs are on the right side
Sven Kahlbrock Pleurolidia juliae
Nathalie Yonow WOW a new record for the REd Sea!!!
David Kipling Good grief, what an unusual nudi! Pics on SSF seem to show it on branching gorgonian-like corals. It's long and thin and looks just like it has polyps. Great spot Sven. What was it on when you found it?
Sven Kahlbrock It looks like a small coral fan, but i think it belongs to familie of fire corall
Erwin Koehler Protaeolidiella juliae is characterised by the mid-dorsal longitudinal white stripe. No white stripe is present in
Protaeolidiella atra Baba, 1955,
I think this is P atra.