Marli Wakeling Miniscule nudi from Anilao. I have not been able to ID it. Does anyone have an idea? It is all of 3mm long.
Patrik Good Looks like an Aeolidiella alba, maybe juvenile.
Lucas CerCur Oh, Marli, in our very recently accepted for publication manuscript of the phylogeny of the family Aeolidiidae in the journal PLos One, we have erected a new genus to allocate all that is called Aeolidiella alba. In fact, there are more than one species under this name. I hope to be able to upload the pdf when available (hopefully before the end of April).
Marli Wakeling Thanks! I look forward to seeing the publication.
Patrik Good Actually, I found 17 opisthobranch species on this dive. Here is the problem ID: Gold Coast Seaway, Australia, depth 2 metres, size 7mm. Any help appreciated. Sorry, no clear photo. But I collected it and it clearly shows black or dark brown rhinophores.
Patrik Good Doublecounted one. Here is the list @ 16/8/2012: Aeolidiella alba (7), Bullina lineata (4), Ceratosoma tenue (1), Elysia ? (1), Goniobranchus albonares (5), Goniobranchus decorus (10), Goniobranchus cf. reticulatus (1), Goniobranchus geometricus (10), Goniodoridella sp. 1 (10), Gymnodoris alba (1), Hydatina physis (1), Hypselodoris obscura (20), Micromelo undulata (1), Noumea simplex, two colour variations (5), Thorunna sp. (2), Trinchesia yamasui (1)
Erwin Koehler I' d like to do a guess on what I see: Elysia sp.
Gary Cobb Because of the quality of the photo I would say Elysia sp. too!
Patrik Good Thank you, Erwin and Gary. Certainly not easy to ID based on this photo.