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Chromodoris kuiteri

Rudman, 1982

Sascha Hofmann And one more. Very common around cook island. Just can't get my head around which one it is. Cromodoria cf Africana, Chromodoris Kuiteri or a different one.

Gary Cobb This one is Chromodoris kuiteri. C. cf. africana has 2 blue longitudinal lines with pits.

Ken Thongpila Chromodoris kuiteri from Lord Howe Island, Australia

Evie Go beautiful one Ken!

Ken Thongpila Thanks Evie :-)

Gary Cobb This species is very common here on the Sunshine Coast!

Ken Thongpila High expectation about Nudi hunts at Sunshine coast now... Very excited :-)

Ashley Missen Lord Howe Stats - How cool

Deb Aston Also very common one for Cook Island, off the Tweed.

Matthias Wildermuth Dived cook is 3 times and very nice and cool stuff

Ken Thongpila Cool, Deb Aston :-) I will check it out Cook Island sometime soon....

Deb Aston Ken Thongpila if its before the end of Dec I can show you around but after that I am off travelling for about 6 months.

Ken Thongpila Deb Aston.... I can wait until you come back :-) so busy until end of the year. Thank you very much, very kind of you and any time in Sydney I will show you around too :-)

Sascha Hofmann And one more. Very common around cook island. Just can't get my head around which one it is. Cromodoria cf Africana, Chromodoris Kuiteri or a different one.

Gary Cobb This one is Chromodoris kuiteri. C. cf. africana has 2 blue longitudinal lines with pits.

Gary Cobb Photos and species list from our 2 dives yesterday. 38 Species found at Flinders Reef Moreton Island, 10m viz, beautiful diving day, no swell and no surge, 25C water temp. 1st dive/2nd dive. *most species found this outing. Aegires flores 1 Ardeadoris pullata /1 *Chromodoris elisabethina 2/8 Chromodoris kuiteri 1/1 Chromodoris lochi /1 Costasiella kuroshimae Cratena cf. affinis 1 Cratena simba 2 Dermatobranchus cf. primus /1 Dermatobranchus rodmani /2 Elysia cf. furvacauda /1 Found at 1m on the mooring rope! Flabellina bicolor 1 Flabellina sp. 1 5 Found at 5m on the mooring rope! Glossodoris cincta 1 Goniobranchus geometricus 1 Halgerda cf. willeyi 1 Halgerda sp. 1 1 Our 540th species! I have never seen this species, ever. Hypselodoris godeffroyana /1 Hypselodoris maculosa 1 Jorunna sp. 3 /1 Marianina rosea /1 Micromelo undata /1 Noumea simplex /1 Phyllidia elegans 1 Phyllidia ocellata 1 Phyllidia picta 1 Phyllidiella lizae /2 Phyllidiella pustulosa 1/2 Protaeolidiella juliae /2 Thorunna daniellae 1 Thuridilla carlsoni 7/1 Thuridilla gracilis 1/1 Thuridilla neona 1 Thuridilla splendens 1 Trinchesia ornata 1/4 Trinchesia ornata 3/2 Trinchesia sp. 16 /1 Our 539th species! Trinchesia sp. 6 /1

Gary Cobb Correction: Halgerda sp. 2 is correct.

Sarah Williamson Chromodoris magnifica

Deb Aston Sarah this one is Chromodoris kuiteri I think.

Sarah Williamson Awesome, thanks Deb :)

Message posted on NUDIBRANCH LOVERS on 13 Feb 2013
Animalia (Kingdom)
  Mollusca (Phylum)
    Gastropoda (Class)
      Heterobranchia (Subclass)
        Opisthobranchia (Infraclass)
          Nudibranchia (Order)
            Euctenidiacea (Suborder)
              Doridacea (Infraorder)
                Doridoidea (Superfamily)
                  Chromodorididae (Family)
                    Chromodoris (Genus)
                      Chromodoris kuiteri (Species)
Associated Species