Gary Cobb I think this is Noumea norba perhaps a juvenile. Durvilledoris pusilla can usually be separated from the other similar appearing species by its two pairs of purple lobes which uniformly extend to the lateral margins of the notum. Almost never is the white mid dorsum coloration in a straight line, alway 2 isolated blotches. Noumea norma has a single white line down the mid dorsum as in the above photo. I have put up a thread on Durvilledoris pusilla to compare.
Gary Cobb I think this is Noumea norba perhaps a juvenile. Durvilledoris pusilla can usually be separated from the other similar appearing species by its two pairs of purple lobes which uniformly extend to the lateral margins of the notum. Almost never is the white mid dorsum coloration in a straight line, alway 2 isolated blotches. Noumea norma has a single white line down the mid dorsum as in the above photo. I have put up a thread on Durvilledoris pusilla to compare.
Gary Cobb I think this is Durvilledoris pusilla (Bergh, 1874) D. pusilla can usually be separated from the other similar appearing species by its two pairs of purple lobes which uniformly extend to the lateral margins of the notum.