Gary Cobb Hope this makes life easier...
1. Ceratosoma trilobatum is characterised by having only one large lateral lobe on each side of the body, just anterior to the gills.
2. Ceratosoma tenue can be characterised by the three mantle lobes on each side of the body. There is a large anterior lobe on either side of the head and a large lobe on each side by the gills. Between these is a smaller lobe which is joined by a ridge to the gill lobe, but not the head lobe. The edge of the lobes and the ridge joining the posterior lobes is usually outlined with a broken purple line.
3. Ceratosoma gracillimum can be distinguished externally by the complete absence of the mantle edge between the head and the well-developed lateral lobes on each side, just in front of the gills.
Ashley Missen Thanks Gary - good add
Patrick Preston II Thanks. Is there an online collection of characteristic traits like the above? I was a forestry major, and we had keys to identify all the plants in our area. Maybe a better question would be: Is there an online collection of the scientific papers describing each species?
Gary Cobb Yes every described species has had a scientific paper written about it. How you can get one is another problem...try Google! The paper would have everything about the species and what makes it different than everything else.
Gary Cobb A databased driven character trait website...I have never seen one. The Nudibranch ID Apps I have been doing work well with searches and work primarily on colour, size, name, author, dates, families and orders. And it work very fast and without internet connection.
Ashley Missen Have seen one but it was for fish id - but the concept could be transferred easily enough --
Gary Cobb I do believe this is a Branch Show Ash!
Ashley Missen Yes I know Gary - but use these concept on a nudi ID site - body shape, gill types - patterns and so forth - would be cool and with colours too
Patrick Preston II They do have a nudibranch section. I tried to describe a Chomodoris willani (first one that came to my head) and it shot out Chromodoris coi. But yes it is more geared towards fish. I keep thinking about the first time I saw a Ceratosoma miamirana. I would have never thought that it was a Ceratosoma. It took lots of time looking through pics to figure it out. With its characteristic spots on the underside of the mantle, it could have saved some time.
Patrick Preston II I googled the apps. Is there one that will work on my laptop? Or is it only for Iphones
Ashley Missen Will be adding some new features in version 2 of the Nudibase - request accepted
Gary Cobb The Apps are for iPhone and work on iPad too.
Marcello Di Francesco Happy Valentine's day!!!
Ambon, Indonesia
Canon Eos 500d + Nimar housing
Canon 60 mm macro
2 inon z240
f14 1/240 iso 100
Isabella Maffei lovely
Lea Meng nice!! new nudi will born in next couple of mths...
Carolyn Thomson Very cute
Mark Farrer Great shot
Fabio Russo None little new nudi from different species, on the left we have Chromodoris coi, on the right Risbecia tryoni... when the Nudibranch are mating they used to leave the right side of the body to the partner, so we can find the calssic position of mating Head-tail, head-tail, here we have head-head....i'm Sorry happy Valentine days ;)
Marcello Di Francesco Fabio i know that are different species, but this immage is so lovely that i like use for this day !! ;-)
Fabio Russo i pubblish an article abaut slugs love:
Sorry only in Italian :)
Marcello Di Francesco thanks fabio .. very useful article !! :-)))
Ken Thongpila Oh! Are they cute! Lovely shot Marcello :-)