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Flabellina pellucida

(Alder & Hancock, 1843)

Erling Svensen Could this be a Flabellina pellucida? Quite different from the "normal" ones.

Peter H van Bragt I'm not sure. The white caps on the cerata are not covering the entire tip. The very top seems to be translucent. Which might suggest F. gracilis. Nice little Doto on the bottom of the picture. That suggests that this Flabellina is not so small. And if it was a F. pellucida I would expect to see far more cerata at that szie.

Erling Svensen Yes, it might be F. gracilis. Its quite big to be this specie, but the Doto is less than 3 millimeter, so."..

René Weterings Wow Peter, nice find within this picture...haha.

Message posted on NE Atlantic Nudibranchs on 17 Jun 2012
Kim Foss-Pedersen Flabellina nobilis or Flabellina pellucida? Depth:33m Length:50mm in Norway

Jim Anderson Facelina bostoniensis I think

Kim Foss-Pedersen Thanks :D

Message posted on NE Atlantic Nudibranchs on 27 Jul 2013
Erling Svensen I have some problems with this one. Flabellina something, but what? All help is appreciated....

Arne Kuilman Flabellina pellucida, see http://www.seawater.no/fauna/mollusca/Fpellucida.html (I assumend you saw in in Norway?)

Christian Skauge I agree I think - a very pale F. pellucida :-)

Gonçalo Calado it resembles a lot Calma glaucoides, or Calma gobioophaga. Was it on a fish spawn?

Erling Svensen Clever people in this group. Thanks!

Erling Svensen Sitting on a kelp leaf. Very small one, only 1 cm long.

John de Jong Nice pic.

Torjus Haukvik I was also thinking Calma. If thats correct, it's the 4th documented find in Norway.

Torjus Haukvik C. glaucoides to be spesific.

João Pedro Silva Here's a recent shot of C. gobioophaga: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jpsilva1971/7229842190/

Erling Svensen I agree, I DO looks like the C. glaucoides. http://www.seaslugforum.net/showall/calmglau

David Kipling The cerata have the wrong "feel" for a Flabellina. They seem to be in vertically-held pairs (or threes), and are quite thick. I've never seen a Calma but I agree it is a much better match. How exciting!

Torjus Haukvik I looked at the description in Thompson and Brown (1984), and the description on Sea Slug Forum how to distinguish if from C. gobioophaga, and I would say C. glaucoides.

Gonçalo Calado The picture matches C. glaucoides, yes, despite propodial tentacles are a bit larger that I'm used to. Friele & Hansen (1875) described this species for the Norwegian coasts as Eolis albicans, but the original description matches that of Alder & Hancock (1845-55).

Becky Hitchin gobioophaga? does it eat goby eggs?

Gonçalo Calado Yes. At least Gobius niger in Portugal

Becky Hitchin ah, it's nice when the Latin makes sense :)

Gonçalo Calado That was the point when naming the new species ;)

David Kipling Doris inconspicua. Still haven't found one of those ...

Message posted on NE Atlantic Nudibranchs on 31 May 2012
Erling Svensen And this one, a F. pullucida - or something else? Quite big, 3 cm long. From 15 meters deapt.

Jim Anderson Looks like Flabellina pellucida to me.

Bernard Picton I just added some pictures of Flabellina pellucida. I think this is another species, more swollen cerata, white pigment on cerata showing a clear, pointed tip. It might be F. nobilis, perhaps? Jussi Evertsen, what do you think? http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150589901704682&set=oa.180702332041055&type=1&theater

Christian Skauge I would have guessed F. pellucida too based on the thin, long cerrata, but it might be F. nobilis... these buggers are really hard to tell apart!

Jussi Evertsen No they are not, just look at the rhinophores

Christian Skauge Hmm... I do, and I still think they're difficult ;-) But I need to read up on those Flabellina species...

Jussi Evertsen The rhinophores seems to be covered with minute papillae which indicates Flabellina nobilis

Christian Skauge I think you're right, Jussi. I have read up on this, and the oral tentacles also match up. Erling, do you have another image showing the tip of the tail as well?

Erling Svensen I do not know. Have to take a look when I have finished my work where I suppose to make my money....... ;-)

Christian Skauge What - you have a DAYJOB???

Bernard Picton Thanks Jussi, I agree, though I've only seen a juvenile which I decided was F. nobilis, at Mulroy Bay, Co Donegal on the north coast of Ireland. http://www.seaslugforum.net/showall/flabnobi

Bernard Picton Jim Anderson found a couple of specimens in NW Scotland which we decided were probably this species. It is very difficult to distinguish from Flabellina browni in photographs though. I think there's quite a difference in the shape of the lateral radula teeth, so some specimens from Scotland would help confirm its presence in Britain and Ireland. http://www.nudibranch.org/Scottish%20Nudibranchs/html/flabellina-nobilis-01.html

Bernard Picton Checking the Sea Slug Forum I see Jussi and I collaborated on these already, so I'll post the links here: http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/4733

Bernard Picton And from Jussi, http://www.seaslugforum.net/message/4876

Message posted on NE Atlantic Nudibranchs on 20 Feb 2012
Animalia (Kingdom)
  Mollusca (Phylum)
    Gastropoda (Class)
      Heterobranchia (Subclass)
        Opisthobranchia (Infraclass)
          Nudibranchia (Order)
            Dexiarchia (Suborder)
              Aeolidida (Infraorder)
                Flabellinoidea (Superfamily)
                  Flabellinidae (Family)
                    Flabellina (Genus)
                      Flabellina pellucida (Species)
Associated Species