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Carcharias taurus
Rafinesque, 1810
Tony Strazzari Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias taurus) -also sand tiger or ragged tooth shark shot very close up with a Canon G10 in Canon housing settings - focal length 6mm, f2, 1/250s. ISO200 using an idive video light.
Marcel Alveri Adis why must nurse
Tony Strazzari In Australia we call them 'Grey Nurse' ... not related to sharks that are called nurse sharks elsewhere. No idea why we started calling them grey nurse .... that is why I have included scientific and other names.
Marcel Alveri Adis yeah. it makes me think. what was mean of "nurse" maybe if we seen this shark it mean we close to nurse. like a bad signal.
there must be a reason why. yeah who's know :)
yeah but sometimes local name like that make easier us to remember species with many diversity like it
Tony Strazzari Have similar fins to nurse sharks but can't rest on the bottom, these swim fast and prey on fish.
Gram Hasselhoff it is an awesome shot, i really like it...i havent seen a shot like this before, that in itself says something
Gram Hasselhoff *the above posted has been edited to correct the error "I haven't seen a shit like this"
Tony Strazzari Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias taurus) - or for those not in Australia ...Ragged tooth or sand tiger. Canon kiss 4, Sigma 17-70mm lens at 23mm ina hugyfot housing, 2 x Sea and Sea strobes, f8, ISO 800, 1/125s
John Gransbury Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias taurus), 30 June 2013, Manta Arch, South Solitary Island, Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia. Taken with a Canon S95, Ikelite housing and twin Sea&Sea YS-D1 strobes with a wide angle lens.
Tony Strazzari Grey nurse shark at The Looking Glass, Broughton Island NSW
Suzan Meldonian nurse shark?? lot of teeth for a nurse.
Tony StrazzariCarcharias taurus
Suzan Meldonian well I have learned something new today...never knew nurse sharks had teeth.This is called a Sand Tiger Shark, Carcharius taurus here. I see that they call this a nurse shark in Australia... how interesting .. please have a look at these sites for shark ids- this is Museum of natural history UF Ichthyology site id info. as opposed to
Ron Silver These are much different from the nurse sharks we have in FL which have grinding plates rather than teeth. Highlights the problem(s) with common names.
Tony Strazzari Our Port Jackson sharks have grinding plates... but Ron you are right about common names ... can cause confusion the Carcharias taurus is not related to the other "nurse" sharks or tiger sharks for that matter either ...also we refer to the Odontaspis ferox as the sand tiger shark ... see
Ron Silver Tony, you are preaching to the choir! I have been a strong proponent of including (whenever possible) the scientific names of species in photos along with the common names. Guess I was indoctrinated in my school days and utilized binomial nomenclature throughout my Federal career. Nonetheless, it certainly avoids a lot of confusion on IDs.
Suzan Meldonian what a riot... I've seen a lot of quibling over names on small critters, but never was aware of this in the shark world until now. I have to find you the link on the naming of nurse sharks- because they suckle... which I think would really be funky with your nurse shark! LOL