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Becky Hitchin Marco Faasse There is a song that goes like this: "Ãf you want somebody you can trust, trust yourself". Probably the songwriter had a different context in mind, but I think it is a good idea to trust your own eyes in the first place. Aiptasia came to my mind first, bit I've never seen the two broad white streaks on the oral disc in that species, nor greyish segments; only thin white lines.
Becky Hitchin You're very right, Marco! I'm still learning about Cornwall intertidal stuff though, so every now and then I get all confused!
David Fenwick Snr We're all still learning about intertidal stuff in Cornwall LOL !!! Have even come across snakelocks where the stripes run into the tentacles giving a completely variegated brown and white anemone.
Becky Hitchin It would be boring if we weren't! ;)
Becky Hitchin - just scouting around looking for info - I'm not sure how important this is in ID - but in these pics, the tentacles seem to start off in the main disc of the anemone, and they didn't in the Cornwall ones
Andy Horton I would NOT be surprised if they are
Aiptasia mutabilis. This is not a sea anemone that we get intertidally at Sussex. The web site says it is found in groups. I have never found
Anthopleura ballii in groups.
John Hepburn It is just like the A mutabilis we get in a particular rockpool at Wembury Pt, which do occur in groups. See pp 55-6 of the Seasearch guide to anemones.
Andy Horton They occur off Lundy. I have just seen it on the TV. Coast. Known as the Trumpet Anemone. The match is clear.
David Wilson The Aptasia multibilis at Limebury point have striped tentacles and emerge from cracks in the rocks which when disturbed, they retract into. They look a bit different to these but they could be variable in colouring.
Becky Hitchin I'm presuming that this is what a snakelocks looks like when very young?
Andy Horton Nope, this is not
Anemonia viridis. Where was this discovered? Initially it looks like
Anthopleura ballii. Not sure though.
Becky Hitchin I sort of didn't think it was, but there were a few like this and then some small Anemonia right next to them so I kind of assumed that Amenonia had to start somewhere (or at least convinced myself that it must do!). These were at Portreath, North Cornwall.
Andy Horton
Andy Rapson I don't think its a snakelocks but try searching for
Aiptasia mutabilis and see if you think that is more of a match.
Becky Hitchin One day I'll believe myself when I see something new (to me) rather than try and shoehorn it into wrong places. They were amazing little things. Let me put another pic up :)
Andy Horton Andy Rapson: good call, might be.
Andy Horton These two are easily confused unless they can be seen from other angles. I would like to see another photograph. I am beginning to doubt my original identifications now. I am OK with the ones I have seen myself.
Becky Hitchin I'd say Aiptasia looks more like it, but I don't think the tentacles taper to points (see other photos)
Andy Horton
Keith Hiscock Aiptasia mutabilis seems most likely to me.
Becky Hitchin OK, I think consensus is
Aiptasia mutabilis :)